BenchK Screw Set for wall mounting (12 sets)
artikelnr BENCHK-PS12
Detaljer: BenchK Screw Set for wall mounting (12 sets)
- The screw set consists of 12 sets (plugs, screws and plastic covers)
- Suitable for the 7-series
- Min. wall thickness: 12 cm
- Length of plugs: 80 mm
- Min. screw-in depth: 88 mm
- Suitable for many surfaces, such as concrete, plasterboard and natural stone
Produktbeskrivning: BenchK Screw Set for wall mounting (12 sets)
High load-bearing capacity
The BenchK set consists of twelve plugs, twelve screws and plastic covers. The BenchK Screw Set for wall mounting (12 sets) provides the optimum fixing for your wall bars. The BenchK Screw Set for wall mounting (12 sets) is suitable for a wide variety of surfaces, including concrete, stone and plasterboard.Easy mounting
During installation, you will feel when the wall plug is fully extended. This indicates that it has been installed correctly. The serrated shape of the plugs prevents them from twisting during installation increasing stability. You no longer have to worry about your wall bars wobbling, everything stays in place.Garantivillkor: BenchK Screw Set for wall mounting (12 sets)
För privatkonsumenter gäller garantin enligt konsumentköplagen
Tillverkningen erbjuder ingen ytterligare tillverkargaranti/garanti.
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Manufacturer Information
Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.- BenchK
ul. Hanasiewicza 15
35-103 Rzeszów
Poland - +48 662 807 059
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