Pedalo Rola-Bola Sport Balanceboard
artikelnr PD-653144
Detaljer: Pedalo Rola-Bola Sport Balanceboard
- High-quality balance board made of birch multiplex, roller made of solid beech
- Versatile training device for improving movement control
- Train your balance and reaction skills
- Circumferential grid hole allows combination with foot rockers, textile resistance and power bands
- max belastning: 150 kg
dimensioner i uppställt läge - Pedalo Rola-Bola Sport Balanceboard:
(L) 60 cm
x (B) 35 cm
x (H) 11.5 cm
Produktbeskrivning: Pedalo Rola-Bola Sport Balanceboard
Your fitness station for better body control
The Pedalo Rola-Bola Sport Balanceboard, also known as a rollerboard, is made to roll with the slightest shift of weight. The wobbly board on the roller requires even experienced boarders to react quickly. The aim is to balance the Pedalo Rola-Bola Sport Balanceboard so that it swings back and forth in a balanced manner. The four screwed-on stoppers prevent the roller from rolling away. This also ensures quick and floor-friendly braking. The high-quality rubber buffer can be replaced and re-purchased. The roller made from ash with integrated rubber rings provides safe rolling on smooth surfaces. The rubber rings protect the roller and the floor and add stability to the board.A rolling game with balance
A major advantage of Pedalo's quality products is that they can be combined or extended with other elements. This increases the range of exercise and usually also the level of difficulty. With the Rola-Bola Sport, for example, textile resistance bands and power bands can be attached to the all-round grid holes on the board. Training with these increases the effect on the leg, core, arm and shoulder muscles.All Pedalo products are "made in Germany" by a company with a long tradition and offer quality, durability and functionality.
Garantivillkor: Pedalo Rola-Bola Sport Balanceboard
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Tillverkningen erbjuder ingen ytterligare tillverkargaranti/garanti.
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Manufacturer Information
Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.- Pedalo® by Holz-Hoerz
Holz-Hoerz GmbH
Dottinger Str. 71
72525 Münsingen
Germany - +49 7381 93570
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