Pedalo Surf Balance Board

artikelnr PD-653146
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Frakt: 20,00 €
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  • High-quality training device made of bendable wood in birch multiplex
  • Suitable for outdoor use
  • Combine sport and fun while improving your reaction skills.
  • A range of exercises to improve balance and strengthen core muscles
  • Includes:
    • 1 board made of birch multiplex, colourless lacquered with anti-slip coating on the underside
    • 2 guide runners and 4 removable rubber stoppers
    • 1 oval beech roll
    • 1 needle felt mat made of polypropylene
    • 1 instruction manual
  • max belastning: 120 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Pedalo Surf Balance Board: (L) 70 cm x (B) 30 cm x (H) 15 cm

Hochwertiges Balanceboard

The Pedalo Surf Balance Board is the ideal play and sports equipment for movement enthusiasts. The basis is the concave roller made of solid wood, which makes it possible to tilt in all directions (forwards, backwards, left and right) and even turn on its own axis. The standing board runs over two runners integrated into the roller and gives the boarder the necessary stability and control. The four replaceable, screw-on rubber stoppers on the underside of the board prevent the board from sliding completely off the roller. This prevents falls.

But it's not just balance and equilibrium that can be optimally trained with the fitness equipment. Strength (e.g. when doing push-ups on the Pedalo Surf) and reaction skills are also required.

The Pedalo Surf Balance Board is a high-quality product made of bend-resistant wood in birch multiplex. The 11 layers of wood, which are glued together in turn, result in very high bending stability and durability. The balance board is lacquered and also suitable for outdoor use. However it should not be permanently exposed to moisture or humidity.

All Pedalo products are "made in Germany" by a company with a long tradition and offer quality, durability and functionality.

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Pedalo® by Holz-Hoerz
    Holz-Hoerz GmbH
    Dottinger Str. 71
    72525 Münsingen
  • +49 7381 93570
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