Nike 50-mm Grind Bumper Plates – Pair

Tuotenro N-PGAK-0905
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana UPS
OVH alkaen
Tähän asti alkaen
alkaen 105,00

  • Available in weights from 5-20 kg
  • The bumper plates consist of at least 30% Nike Grind rubber (recycled material from the manufacturing of Nike shoe soles)
  • Each batch of plates is unique as the colours vary according to the style of recycled shoes.
  • Withstands drops (10,000-fall durability test)
  • Bumper plates for powerlifting, bodybuilding, functional training, etc.
  • Features / specifications:
    • Thickness: 40-80 mm depending on the weight
    • Diameter: 450 mm or 359 mm
    • Weight precision: +/- 1%
    • Bounce: moderate, durometer hardness of 65 +/-3

Recycled rubber from Nike shoe soles – a part of Nike history

The Nike 50-mm Grind Bumper Plates – Pair consist of at least 30% Nike shoe soles. This means each plate reflects a piece of Nike history since you can actually see bits of leftover rubber recovered from Nike's shoe production for a certain year. The colours of shoes produced over a year continuously changes from season to season. This means each bumper plate looks a little different and is one of a kind

They are also remarkably durable as Nike subjects their plates to an additional 10,000-fall durability test to ensure they meet stringent standards. Additionally, the Nike 50-mm Grind Bumper Plates – Pair have a pleasant bounce to them, giving them a huge advantage over bumper plate made of cast iron. Cast-iron bumper plates mustn't be dropped as they could easily damage floors. You don't have to be so careful with rubber bumper plates however, because they absorb the shock of the fall. They are also much quieter if dropped, so you don't disrupt other people's workouts.

Versatile training options with your Nike Grind Bumper Plates

Bumper plates can be used in a number of exercises. You can train your biceps with curls, for example. Or use bumper plates to build thick thighs and glutes by adding the plates to a barbell held on your shoulders while you perform squats. Classic bench presses are another great exercise to do with bumper plates and a barbell. But you can even use bumper plates without a bar. The plates can add resistance to some exercises which use your own bodyweight. You can simply hold the Nike Grind Bumper Plates above your chest when doing abdominal crunches.

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