Nike 50-mm Premium Coated Shield Barbell – 20 kg

Tuotenro N-BCAJ-1020
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana UPS
OVH alkaen
Tähän asti alkaen
alkaen 379,00

  • Ceramic-based Cerakote® finish
  • The ceramic coating protects against wear and corrosion
  • Premium barbell with smooth spin
  • Volcano knurling for a sure grip
  • Dual knurl marks help you find the correct position for your hands
  • Features / specifications:
    • Diameter: 28 mm
    • Loadable sleeve length: 415 mm
    • Sleeve length diameter: 50 mm
    • Bar length: 2200 mm
    • Distance between sleeves: 1310 mm
    • Diameter: 28 mm
    • Tensile strength: 190,000 PSI
    • Weight of the bar: 20 kg
  • Features / specifications:
    • Diameter: 28 mm
    • Loadable sleeve length: 415 mm
    • Sleeve length diameter: 50 mm
    • Bar length: 2200 mm
    • Distance between sleeves: 1310 mm
    • Diameter: 28 mm
    • Tensile strength: 190000 PSI
    • Weight of the bar: 20 kg

Maximum Performance

The Nike Premium Coated Shield Barbell features a high-quality ceramic coating which protects against wear and corrosion and also feels good in your hand. The special outer coating and smooth-spin bushings make your training more effective. The medium knurl provides a sure grip, and dual knurl marks help you find the optimal hand positioning. This barbell can help you elevate your training sessions to the next level and reach your fitness goals.

No slacking – JUST DO IT

You can do a variety of exercises with the barbell. Perform classic bench presses to build your chest, shoulders and triceps. You can also modify this exercise by altering the angle of the bench to do inclined/declined bench presses with the Nike Premium Coated Shield Barbell. Do military presses in a standing position similar to the overhead press. There are so many exercises like squats, deadlifts and barbell curls you can do. Any barbell exercise is possible with the Nike 50-mm Premium Coated Shield Barbell – 20 kg.

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