aerobis Battle-Rope Training Rope 30 mm

artikelnr AER-505-10M-V2
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  • Battle ropes: Funktionell träning som skapar rörelse
  • Tränar styrka, uthållighet och koordination/rörlighet
  • Olika repstyrkor för nybörjare såväl som vana idrottare
  • Lämpliga för inomhus- och utomhusbruk (håller längden även i vått tillstånd)
  • Omsorgsfull utformning för en längre livslängd
  • Limmade och sydda greppzoner
  • 100 % polyester, och därigenom 35 % starkare än nylonrep
  • Includes rope, bracket, carabiner and attachment loops!

Battle ropes: functional training with which you make waves

The battle ropes by aerobis provide an incomparable functional workout. The training rope - such a simple and ingenious training device - supports endurance and trains strength and coordination. At first, training may seem simple, but in doing this it demands the whole body, is very effective and is a lot of fun. Everyone who has tried rope training once can testify to how good the release is with rope training.

aerobis battle ropes: quality for long service life

The training ropes by aerobis are elaborately linked. As a result, they are very flexible and also have a long service life. The training rope is made out of 100 % polyester so that is excellently suited to indoor and outdoor use. In addition, the grip area is double-stitched and glued as this area is subject to the greatest stresses. As a result, it is guaranteed that you will be able to train with the aerobis Battle-Rope Training Rope 30 mm for long.

Alongside your use, the length of rope determines the intensity with rope training. The longer the Battle Rope, the more strenuous the workout. So beginners and also athletes will find the right Battle Ropes for their training with aerobis. The following list provides a good overview:
  • Beginners: (L) 10 m (Ø) 30 mm
  • Advanced: (L) 15 m (Ø) 30 mm

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • aerobis fitness GmbH
    Dieselstr. 6
    50859 Köln
  • +49 2234 9895290
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