BenchK Wall Bars Set 112+A204

artikelnr BENCHK-112+A204
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1 049,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 1 049,00 €

  • High-quality wall bar made from beechwood with 8 oval rungs
  • Includes pull-up unit, bench-top desk, climbing rope, swing & gymnastic rings
  • Versatile applicable sports furniture for children and adults
  • Pull-up bar and rungs for a variety of sporting exercises
  • BenchTop that functions as a desk on the height-adjustable pull-up unit
  • Gymnastic rings, climbing rope & swing as kids toys
  • Max. user weight for the use of child accessories: 80 kg
  • Minimum ceiling height for installation: 230 cm
  • max belastning: 120 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - BenchK Wall Bars Set 112+A204: (L) 62 cm x (B) 64 cm x (H) 220 cm

The BenchK Wall Bars Set 112+A204 provides not only the opportunity for sporting activities for both old and you, however it also provides the opportunity to be used as a desk. The desk can be simply placed on top of the mobile pull-up bar. This can be freely placed on the rungs and can therefore be adapted to the body size. Thanks to the supplied children's toys, the BenchK Wall Bars Set 112+A204 can be changed into a fun paradise for children in no time at all. The BenchK Wall Bars Set 112+A204 is therefore a modern and versatile piece of furniture, which unites many functions in a small space.

The set consists of the beechwood wall bar, a removable pull-up bar made of beechwood, the bench-top (desk), gymnastic rings made of wood and a cotton climbing rope with a swing. The BenchK Wall Bars Set 112+A204 provides a great deal of variety for stretching and gymnastics exercises and strength training. Here, the wall bar can also be complemented with physio and therabands, and sling suspension trainers to perform even more exercises.

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Manufacturer Information

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  • BenchK
    ul. Hanasiewicza 15
    35-103 Rzeszów
  • +48 662 807 059
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