Ironmaster Quick Lock curlstång 122cm

artikelnr IRM-1021
i lager
Frakt: 20,00 €
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tidigare pris
172,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 172,00 €

  • med gänga och stjärnlås
  • längd: 122 cm
  • vikt: 7kg
  • max. belastning: + 68 kg Hantelscheiben-Gewicht
  • vikt: endast för Ironmaster Quick Lock viktskivor (fås som optional tillbehör)

Ironmaster Quick Lock curlstång 122cm för ledskonande och effektiv överarms träning. Curlstången på 122cm används med Ironmaster Quick Lock viktskivor, som har speciell utformat yta. Även denna gång lyckades des Ironmaster med sin Quick Lock curlstång att förena bästa kvalité med stor säkerhet.

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4.67 av 5 stjärnor

(3 Kundomdömen)

1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Pros: This bar works well with Ironmaster plates, and does not roll around the floor. The knurling is done well; this allows me to get a good grip on the bar. Although some people have said that EZ bars are not as effective as straight bars when doing curls, I have found that the hand position allows me to do curls whilst reducing undue forearm tendone strain - seems to work well in combination with the Ironmaster preacher pad, and can be used for very effective pullovers. Cons: To get the most out of this bar you need the Ironmaster plates - if you already have a a pair of Ironmaster quick lock dumbbells, this will not be an issue. Although the bar is described as a; 'quick lock' bar, it uses a spin collar system and not the quick lock system to attach weight plates.... [läs mer]
0 personer tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Pros: This bar works well with Ironmaster plates and does not roll around the floor. The knurling is well machined; this allows one to get a good grip on the bar. Although some people have said that EZ bars are not as effective as straight bars when doing curls, I have found that the hang position allows me to do curls whilst reducing undue forearm tendon strain - seems to work well in combination with the Ironmaster curlpult pad, and can also be used for very effective pullovers. Cons: To get the most out of this bar, one needs Ironmaster plates - if you already have an Ironmaster dumbbell set, this will not be an issue. Although the bar is described as a 'quick lock' bar, it uses a spin collar system and not the quick lock system to attach weights.... [läs mer]
1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Pros: Well built. One can use the quick lock plates from the Ironmaster dumb bell set. The knurling is good. Cons: As the the locking nuts don't have rubber on them, the nuts keep on coming loose.

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
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