Nike Grind Dumbbells – Pair

artikelnr N-DGHK-1101
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  • Available in 1-22.5 kg
  • Dumbbells made with recycled Nike Grind rubber
  • Grind rubber reuses scraps from the manufacturing process and discontinued shoes
  • Shock-absorbent rubber
  • Six-sided to keep your dumbbells from rolling away
  • Ergonomic grip for more comfort

The Nike Grind Dumbbells' unique look

Each dumbbell in the Grind series is one of a kind with its own mix of colours. The Grind rubber reuses the leftovers from producing Nike shoe soles. Just as the colour of the shoes changes every season, so too does the colour of the dumbbells. Each Grind dumbbell is like a time capsule of Nike history.
The recycled rubber isn't just good for the environment; it also helps protect your floors if the dumbbells are dropped. The hexagonal shape of the dumbbells keeps them from rolling away.
The metal handles also feature a stylish design. They offer plenty of room for your hands, are rounded like a barrel in the middle with knurled bands for extra grip then flare out towards the ends.
You can do many different exercises with the dumbbells without needing additional equipment. One great exercise you can start with at home is the dumbbell goblet squat. Simply hold the dumbbell in front of your chest while you perform your squats. You can play with a number of squat variations with dumbbells including deadlifts or try something different like Russian twists. There are so many options for using the Nike Grind Dumbbells all on their own, or seated on a bench doing shoulder presses, or lying down for bench presses.

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Manufacturer Information

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  • Dimension 6
    Valkenboskade 613
    2563JG Den Haag
    The Netherlands
  • +31 7231 -4940
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