Pedalo Slalom
artikelnr PD-553600
Detaljer: Pedalo Slalom
- Play and training equipment that is popular with both children and adults
- Increased difficulty compared to the Pedalo Sport
- You can even turn corners with a built-in differential
- Wide range of play and movement options to develop motor and reaction skills, balance and posture
- For added stability in the ankle, knee and hip joints
- max belastning: 100 kg
dimensioner i uppställt läge - Pedalo Slalom:
(L) 22 cm
x (B) 46 cm
x (H) 22 cm
Produktbeskrivning: Pedalo Slalom
More options for movement
The Pedalo Slalom is a unique piece of exercise equipment for ambitious athletes, children with good motor skills and anyone looking for a new challenge. A built-in differential allows a stepless adjustment of the steering ability, so that you can drive straight ahead or negotiate challenging bends. The possibilities with the Pedalo Slalom range from driving forwards and backwards, to slalom driving and driving on the spot in a circle and turning left and right.Next challenge: turning corners
Turning corners is initiated either by swinging the upper body or by rotating the hips while keeping the upper body fixed. It sounds complicated, and it is actually not that easy, but it's a lot of fun and effective. Practising on a Pedalo Slalom improves safety and body awareness. The feeling of being in control of their own body balance is usually great fun for children. And adults looking for new challenges have a great training tool to improve their performance in other sports.All Pedalo products are "made in Germany" by a company with a long tradition and offer quality, durability and functionality.
Garantivillkor: Pedalo Slalom
För privatkonsumenter gäller garantin enligt konsumentköplagen
Tillverkningen erbjuder ingen ytterligare tillverkargaranti/garanti.
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Manufacturer Information
Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.- Pedalo® by Holz-Hoerz
Holz-Hoerz GmbH
Dottinger Str. 71
72525 Münsingen
Germany - +49 7381 93570
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