Salta basketball hoop Center

artikelnr SA-5133
endast 1 x i lager, fler kommer snart
Frakt: 50,00 €
Leverans per spedition
tidigare pris
399,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 399,00 €

  • Robust, portible basketball stand for beginners and pros
  • Handle to adjust between 6 different rim heights (230–305cm)
  • Durable steel rim (Ø 45 cm)
  • Steel-framed, impact-resistand backboard
  • Stand with counter weight of 120 kg; fillable with max. 120 l water or 140 kg sand
  • Dimensions (W x H x L): 125 x (296–371) x 234cm

The Salta basketball hoop Center is a durable, portable basketball system which will offer you years of fun. The twin compression springs on the breakaway rim make it ideal for practising your slam dunks. The height can easily be lowered to 230 cm so you can hone in your shots. The hoop can also be raised to the official NBA-standard height of 305 cm.

The weather-resistant polycarbonate backboard can withstand various weather conditions without damage. If you need to take the game to another location, the two wheels on the base let you bring it. Once you've found the right spot and set the appropriate height for the Salta basketball hoop Center, it's game on, and you can school your friends with the new skills you've learned.

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Salta
    Galvanistraat 36
    7651 DH Tubbergen
    The Netherlands
  • +31 8548 77888
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