Sunflex Pickleball Paddle Reticulo FG13 Friction

artikelnr SNF-53521
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Frakt: 20,00 €
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58,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 58,00 €

  • High-quality pickleball paddle with special friction coating for better spin and ball control
  • Constructed from premium materials for superior quality and performance
  • Perfect pickleball paddle for pickleball enthusiasts and experienced professional players alike
  • Fibreglass surface makes the paddle lightweight
  • Ergonomic handle for optimum grip and comfort
  • Size 40 x 20 cm
  • Weight ca. 226 g

The perfect paddle for experienced professional players

The Sunflex Reticulo FG13 will impress you with its attractive design and first class finish. The Sunflex Pickleball Paddle Reticulo FG13 Friction has been specially developed for maximum power and control to take your game to a new level. Featuring Fibreglass Friction Surface (FFS) technology, this paddle is extremely durable and long lasting. This special friction coating on the racket blade improves spin and ball control.

More comfort when playing

The ergonomic grip fits perfectly in the hand for comfortable and stable shot control. The honeycomb structure made of polymer (CNC polymer) inside the paddle ensures that the impact is even and comfortable - just as it is required for each shot. The foam in the handle absorbs shocks and makes the paddle comfortable to hold. The non-slip edge provides a secure grip and good shock absorption.

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Sunflex Sport GmbH+ Co KG
    Wolkersdorfer Berg 3
    91126 Schwabach
  • +49 911 632 120
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