Taurus Iso Sterling hip-thrust machine

artikelnr TF-SL7038
färre än 5x i lager.
3x fantastiskt
Leverans per spedition
RRP 2 099,00
tidigare pris 1 899,00
1 599,00
30 dagars bästa pris 1 899,00

  • Professional hip-thrust machine with a maximum load of 300 kg
  • Plate loaded: Adjust weight precisely and individually with 50 mm weight plates.
  • Sturdy construction: durable and resilient
  • Flexible adjustment to body size
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Taurus Iso Sterling hip-thrust machine: (L) 162 cm x (B) 161 cm x (H) 110 cm

Huge load capacity

The Taurus Elite hip-thrust machine is the perfect strength machine for training the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and abductors. Get the best possible lower body workout with this powerful hip-thrust machine. With an impressive capacity of 300 kg, it gives even advanced users a challenging and productive workout.

Individually loadable

The designation is flexibly loaded with 50 mm weight plates. The weight can be precision-adjusted and at the same time very heavy weights can be used – up to 300 kg!

Produced for maximum performance

The designation is extremely resistant and durable. An electrostatic powder coating protects the electro-welded square tubes. The industrially manufactured vinyl upholstery is thick and sturdy, with plywood backing and a foam filling, which is not only durable but also comfortable for users. Aluminium knurls on the handles ensure users have a secure hold. High-precision bearings guarantee smooth, "round" movements.

Individually adjustable

The length and angle of the footplate can be adjusted. In addition to the footplate, the seat can also be adjusted vertically. This is easy to do by using the simple adjustment system with pins. The footplate is oversized and is suitable for a wide range of shoe sizes and standing positions. The machine can accommodate a user weight of up to 150 kg.
Taurus Iso Sterling hip-thrust machine UtmärkelserTaurus Iso Sterling hip-thrust machine UtmärkelserTaurus Iso Sterling hip-thrust machine Utmärkelser

manual Taurus SL7038

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1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Sehr solide, eine helfende Hand beim Aufbau ist anzuraten. Im Vergleich zu freien Gewichten benötigt man hier etwas weniger Gewicht, zudem lassen sich auch Bänder anbringen, was das be und entladen sehr erleichtert. Steht sicher und rutscht nicht. Würde die Marke wieder kaufen.

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Fitshop GmbH
    Flensburger Straße 55
    24837 Schleswig
  • +49 04621 42100
  • info@fitshop.de
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