Taurus MS50 Pro Universal Smith Machine

artikelnr TF-MS50
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4 199,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 3 699,00 €

  • Taurus MS50 Universal Smith Machine – the most complete home gym ever
  • Numerous training options: two cable pulleys that can be adjusted to 18 different heights, each with its own weight stack, jammer arms, Smith station with 12 height levels, pull-up station, dip station, core trainer/landmine, optional leg press, option for free weight training with a barbell, special attachments for training with resistance bands
  • Exceptionally comprehensive accessories: triceps rope, lat pull-down bar, V-grip attachment, foot loop, short biceps/triceps bar, two great stirrup handles, loop for abdominal training, leg press module, dip station, a pair of short and long spotter arms, padded roll for abdominal and leg exercises, jammer arms with different grip options, two long bars to connect cable pulls or jammer arms, tricep press-down bar as well as chains for extension and matching snap hooks
  • Taurus MS50 Universal Smith Machine: a versatile and comprehensive strength training solution for home and professional gyms
  • Two independent cable pulls: adjustable to 18 different heights, each with its own weight stack. Suitable for a variety of exercises, including bicep curls and tricep pushdowns.
  • Jammer arms: perfect for functional exercises such as bench press or shoulder press. They can be used individually or connected and can be adjusted to different heights.
  • Smith station: provides controlled barbell training with 12 height levels. Ideal for safely performing squats and bench press.
  • Pull-up station: ideal for training the upper body. Offers many grip options.
  • Dip station: perfect for performing tricep dips and knee raises. The module can be flexibly adjusted in height.
  • Core trainer/landmine: a versatile tool for functional training of the entire body.
  • Optional leg press: ideal for targeted training of the leg muscles and glutes.
  • Free weight training: a barbell can be used to perform classic exercises such as bench press, squats or deadlifts.
  • Attachments for training with resistance bands: enables exercises such as bicep curls or tricep extensions.
  • Extensive accessories: all common grips and pulling aids are already included.
  • Invest in your fitness goal and take your workout to the next level with our multifunctional Taurus MS50 Universal Smith Machine.
  • 2x 100-kg weight block: 1x 10 kg + 15x 6 kg each
  • Many storage possibilities for barbells and plates as well as accessories in the rear part of the equipment
  • Length of the barbell: 188 cm | Weight: 15 kg
  • Gear ratio: 1:2 | Finely adjustable weight levels and a long cable draw length for more freedom of movement

Introducing the Taurus MS50 Universal Smith Machine, a versatile and comprehensive strength training solution for your home and professional gyms. Equipped with two weight stacks, a Smith machine, a great deal of accessories including jammer arms, this all-in-one system offers unmatched workout options to help you achieve your fitness goals. Experience the ultimate strength training equipment with the Taurus MS50 Universal Smith Machine.

Two height-adjustable cable pulls

The two independent cable pulls, which can be adjusted to 18 different heights, each have their own weight stack with up to 100 kg. They allow for a variety of exercises, including bicep curls and tricep pushdowns for targeted arm training or different variations of flies for chest training. The cable pulls can be used separately or together, for example with the long bar for a standing chest press. The maximum weight can even be increased beyond 100 kg, as a special module allows for the addition of weight plates to the overall load.

Jammer arms for shoulder, chest and back

Our jammer arms are perfect for functional exercises. You can use them for exercises like bench presses or shoulder presses to strengthen your chest and shoulder muscles. The jammer arms can be used individually but can also be connected. Since they can each be loaded with different weights, they are also ideal for compensating for muscular imbalances. The handles of the jammer arms can be attached at different heights for various body sizes and exercises.

Smith station with barbell for controlled, safe workouts

The Smith station with 12 height levels is ideal for controlled barbell training. You can use it to safely perform squats to work out your lower body or bench presses to work out your chest muscles. The Smith station lets you push yourself while helping avoid injuries thanks to the built-in safety mechanism.

Pull-up station with many grip options

The pull-up station is ideal for training the upper body. Pull ups strengthen the back, shoulders and arms in particular. These pull-up bars offer many grip options from wide overhand grip to narrow neutral grip.

Dip station for abs and triceps

The dip station allows you to perform tricep dips for your arm muscles or knee lifts for your abdominal muscles. The height of the dip module can be flexibly adjusted and offers two grip widths.

Core trainer for barbell

Our core trainer/landmine is a versatile tool for functional training. With exercises such as the landmine squat press, you can work out your entire body.

Don't skip leg day!

The optional leg press is ideal for targeted training of the leg muscles and glutes. To do this, simply attach the leg press module to the barbell. This is another option for strengthening your quadriceps, glutes and calves.

Training using a free barbell is also possible

The MS50 also has options to help with free-weight training using a barbell. You can perform classic exercises such as bench presses, squats or deadlifts here. Wide spotter arms are included in the scope of delivery for this.

Finally, there are special attachments for training with resistance bands. Resistance bands allow you to perform exercises such as biceps curls or triceps extensions while customising the resistance.

Extensive accessories make this station the most complete home gym

In addition to the many training stations, it also boasts an impressive range of accessories. All common handles and lifting straps are already included!

This weight station is a complete training centre that allows you to customise your workout and effectively train all major muscle groups. Invest in your fitness goals and take your workout to the next level with our multifunctional weight station.
Taurus MS50 Pro Universal Smith Machine UtmärkelserTaurus MS50 Pro Universal Smith Machine UtmärkelserTaurus MS50 Pro Universal Smith Machine UtmärkelserTaurus MS50 Pro Universal Smith Machine Utmärkelser

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Super Kraftstation
0 personer tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Die Kraftstation bietet alles was das Eisenherz höher schlagen lässt, eine Allround Kraftation die extrem stabil ist und durch die Aufstellmaße wenig Platz beansprucht.
Top Gerät
1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Nicht gerade günstig, aber die Qualität finde ich sehr gut! Ich (m38, >15 Jahre Gym Erfahrung) habe das Gerät alleine aufgebaut, auch wenn 2 Personen empfohlen werden. Der Aufbau war auch relativ leicht. Ansonsten wird den meisten wahrscheinlich auch die Taurus Multi Smith Machine Pro reichen. Ich würde jedem empfehlen so ein Gerät oder so ein ähnliches Gerät vor Ort auszuprobieren, bevor ihr es kauft.
Allround Gerät
2 personer tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Habe ein Allround Gerät mit kleiner Standfläche gesucht und bin mit dem Taurus fündig geworden. Aufbau ging gut, mit einem Freund rund 4h, bis dann auch alle Schrauben nachgezogen waren. die Taurus steht stabil, macht einen sehr soliden Eindruck. Umfangreiches Zubehör mit enthalten wie zB Jammer Arms oder auch Beinpresse. Lieferung war gut verpackt, alle Teile kamen unbeschädigt. Lediglich die Anleitung war falsch, Inhalte haben nicht zum Deckblatt gepasst (Made-in-China...) - hatte ich dann ausgedruckt, vom Online Shop. Heute auch direkt das erste Training absolviert, Brust/Schulter mit Smith Maschine und Kabelzug, sehr zufrieden. ... [läs mer]

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Fitshop GmbH
    Flensburger Straße 55
    24837 Schleswig
  • +49 04621 42100
  • info@fitshop.de
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