Tunturi Centuri Dumbbell Set
artikelnr TUN-22CTSCL107
Detaljer: Tunturi Centuri Dumbbell Set
- Robust dumbbell set consisting of 2 x 1 kg, 2 x 2 kg, 2 x 3 kg and a dumbbell rack
- The dumbbells are made from cast iron and the rack is made from durable PVC
- Size of rack with dumbbells: 32.8 x 20.3 x 28.9 cm
- Wide range of uses: strength training, yoga, Pilates and other types of exercise
- Colour: black
Produktbeskrivning: Tunturi Centuri Dumbbell Set
The Tunturi Centuri Dumbbell Set supports you in your home training and accompanies you on your way to more fitness and muscle strength. The dumbbell set is made from durable materials for long service life and stability.
The set includes 6 weights (2 x 1 kg, 2 x 2 kg, 2 x 3 kg) and a dumbbell rack. This allows you to vary and customise your training weight. The neoprene coating prevents the dumbbells from rolling away during training. The dumbbells are versatile and can be used for strength training, yoga, Pilates and other types of exercise.
Garantivillkor: Tunturi Centuri Dumbbell Set
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Manufacturer Information
Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.- Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
Purmerweg 1
1311 XE Almere
The Netherlands - +31 629 383777
- service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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