Tunturi Platinum Core Pro Treadmill

artikelnr TUN-22PTTR3000
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5 399,00 €
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Fitshop's omdöme
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  • The Tunturi Platinum Core Pro treadmill is suitable for private and professional use
  • The treadmill can be used for rehabilitation exercises
  • A reverse programme is included
  • Colour: black, silver
  • Material: steel, plastic
  • Training computer:
    • Display: training time, speed, ascent percentage, pace, calories burned, heart rate
    • Display: LED
    • 52 training programmes
    • 5 programmes in sled mode
    • Bluetooth-compatible for various apps (Tunturi, Kinomap and Zwift)
    • Free Tunturi Routes app
  • Features:
    • Includes bottle holder
    • Tablet holder
    • USB input
    • 3 control panels
    • Rehab rail
    • Step bracket made of heavy-duty aluminium
  • Equipment:
    • Heart rate measurement: hand sensors (standard)
    • HRS control: setting the speed and percentage of ascent via the armrest
    • Extra comfort: transport wheels
  • max belastning: 150 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Tunturi Platinum Core Pro Treadmill: (L) 196 cm x (B) 88 cm x (H) 149 cm
  • Tekniska specifikationer:
    • AC-motor: 3 hk-kontinuerlig motoreffekt
    • fördelar av AC-motorer: längre livslängd, nästan underhållsfri, konstant drift från början, komfortabel, smidig körning
    • löpyta: 156 x 56 cm
    • löpmatta: 25 mm
    • hastighet: 0.5 - 20 km/h
    • stigning/lutning: 0 - 15 %

Tunturi Platinum Core Pro treadmill - the all-in-one treadmill

The latest innovation among the Tunturi treadmills is the Tunturi Platinum Core Pro Treadmill. An all-in-one treadmill that offers power-sled and rehabilitation training in addition to running training. It offers a high quality with a trendy design. It is suitable for private and professional use.

Strength test - exceed your limits

The treadmill offers you a total of five different sled programmes. This includes training by time, distance, a manual programme, a personal programme and a strength test. The strength test lets you exercise for 30 to 120 seconds at maximum resistance. This shows you how much wattage you are using to cover which distance. It is also possible to increase the resistance with power bands. These can be attached to the back of the treadmill. With the sled programme you train almost all muscle groups very intensively.

Professional use possible

With 57 programmes, 15 incline angles, a strength test and a starting speed of 0.1 km/h, the treadmill is not only suitable for private use, but also for professional use. The treadmill is an ideal addition to the gym, training studio or physiotherapy practice. The backward walking mode is a good physiotherapeutic exercise. The limit mode with speeds from 0.1 km/h to 2.5 km/h also offers precise training for light to heavy rehabilitation exercises. The exercises can also be combined with inclines to add even more variety to your training.

Easy handling

The Tunturi Platinum Core Pro Treadmill has three control panels, which are located under the monitor. Two of them are located on the sides and another in the middle. The control panel in the middle is designed for quick and easy programme selection. The control panels on the sides, on the other hand, are for the speed and tilt angle. You can easily use these during training.

Tunturi Routes app - the ideal training support

The Tunturi Routes app offers you a lot of fun during your treadmill training. Experience different places from home with real-life videos. You can choose from 15 different routes that are freely accessible. Compete against friends or do a workout alone. If you need support, online video coaching is also available to help you achieve all your goals.

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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