Tunturi Platinum CT20 Crosstrainer

artikelnr TUN-22PTCT2000
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2 999,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 2 999,00 €

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  • Tunturi Platinum CT20 Crosstrainer – for beginners and ambitious athletes
  • Ideal for intensive use
  • 48 resistance levels and 26 different programmes for a varied workout
  • Dual rail system for added stability
  • Compatible with your favourite fitness apps including Kinomap, Zwift and iConsol+.
  • Tiltable 5.5-inch Bluetooth AI monitor for a complete overview
  • Ergonomic training feel thanks to a minimal Q-factor of 13 cm
  • max belastning: 180 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Tunturi Platinum CT20 Crosstrainer: (L) 193 cm x (B) 80 cm x (H) 182 cm
  • Tekniska specifikationer:
    • effekt: 35 - 400 W
    • svängmassa enligt tillverkaren: 20 kg
  • Träningsdator:
    • motståndsnivåer: 48
    • visning: tid, sträcka, hastighet, Watt, varv/min, kalorier, puls
    • visning av träningsprofiler i LCD
    • träningsprogram totalt: 26
  • Utrustning:
    • Övrigt: transporthjul, flaskhållare

Tunturi Platinum CT20 Crosstrainer: the right training for all performance levels

With 48 resistance levels and 26 different programmes, the Tunturi Platinum CT20 Crosstrainer offers a wide range of training options. The right programme and resistance can be selected for all performance levels. The minimal Q-factor of 13 cm and a stride length of 51 cm ensure an ergonomic and natural motion and are easy on the joints.
The Multigrip+ handlebars have a non-slip coating to prevent slipping during strenuous workouts. The handlebars also feature heart rate sensors and buttons that allow you to manually adjust your speed without taking your hands off the handlebars. The dual rail system provides added stability to withstand the most intense workouts. With the Tunturi Platinum CT20 Crosstrainer, nothing stands in the way of your strength or endurance training.

From the training time to resistance level - everything at a glance

The Bluetooth AI monitor gives you a precise overview of the time, distance, calories, speed, training resistance and profile, heart rate, RPM and wattage at all times. Even if you place your tablet in the integrated tablet holder, you always have the four most important parameters in view.

Compatible with Tunturi Routes, Kinomap, Zwift and many other apps

Thanks to the monitor's Bluetooth connection, you can always connect to your favourite fitness app or use a video route app to get out of the comfort of your own four walls. Tunturi Routes or Kinomap, for example, are suitable. The apps offer different routes (free or paid) and, when used with Zwift, the speed of the route adapts to your own pace. If you also connect the iConsole+ app, the AI will create the ideal training plan for you based on your training results.

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  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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