Tunturi Platinum Pro Recumbent Bike

artikelnr TUN-14PTRB2000
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2 399,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 1 899,00 €

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  • With the Tunturi Platinum Pro Recumbent Bike you get a professional-quality recumbent ergometer
  • T-Gen electromagnetic braking system
  • max belastning: 150 kg
  • Tekniska specifikationer:
    • effekt: 0 - 440 W
    • svängmassa: 16 kg
  • Träningsdator:
    • visning: tid, hastighet, Watt, RPM, kalorier, puls
    • visning av träningsprofiler i TFT
    • träningsprogram totalt: 43, varav egna (användardefinierade): 20, pulsstyrda: 6
    • motståndsnivåer: 42
    • användarminne: 8
  • Utrustning:
    • pulsmätning: handsensorer för pulsmätning + pulsband (pulsband ingår ej- rekommenderat tillbehör)
    • OBS: pulsband för pulsmätning ingår ej - finns att köpa separat som tillbehör
    • ställbar sadel: vågrät,
    • komfortabel gelsadel
    • Övrigt: extra-låg påstigning, transporthjul, flaskhållare

Professional recumbent ergometer with a wide range of functions

With the Tunturi Platinum Pro Recumbent Bike, you are opting recumbent exercise bike of professional quality. This exercise bike, on which you ride in a semi-recumbent position, is suitable for ambitious athletes, physiotherapy practices and fitness studios.

The right training for everyone with the Tunturi Platinum Pro Recumbent Bike

The recumbent bike offers a wide range of programmes for the ultimate training experience. The 43 programmes include 20 user programmes, 10 preset programmes (T-Scale/T-Ride/T-Road/Race), 1 watt-controlled programme and 6 heart rate controlled programmes. For heart rate controlled training or if you just want to keep an eye on your heart rate while riding, the Tunturi Platinum Pro recumbent bike is equipped with hand sensors. For the most accurate heart rate measurement, you can use an optional chest strap (5.4 Khz). You can also take a fitness test to see how fit you are. Up to 8 people can store their user data in the device's memory. Keep track of your data in the user diary. These and other useful functions can be accessed via the 7" TFT LCD colour display, which is operated using a handy rotary knob and a few buttons.

Comfortable training

The T-Gen electromagnetic braking system, 9kg flywheel and comfortable gel saddle ensure a comfortable workout. The mesh padded backrest is adjustable in angle and the saddle can also be adjusted horizontally for the correct riding position. For a quick refreshment, you can store your water bottle in the bottle holder and a snack in the storage compartment. Finished your workout? Thanks to the transport wheels, the Platinum Pro recumbent bike is easy to move around and out of the way.

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Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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