Tunturi Slam Man

artikelnr TUN-14TUSBO081
färre än 5x i lager.
Frakt: 25,00 €
Leverans per spedition
tidigare pris
589,00 €
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30 dagars bästa pris 589,00 €

  • Computer-controlled boxing dummy for challenging workouts
  • Train your punching and kicking technique like the pros
  • Training of several skills at the same time
  • Improving reaction time and coordination skills
  • 15 computer programmes (5 x 3 difficulty levels) in which you have to hit all the glowing lamps as quickly as possible.
  • Height adjustable from 162 to 182 cm
  • Maximum weight of 120 kg (filled)
  • Material: plastic
  • colour: grey, black
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Tunturi Slam Man: (L) 50 cm x (B) 46 cm x (H) 162 cm

Improve your reaction time and coordination skills

With the Tunturi Slam Man you can complete a comprehensive boxing and martial arts training programme. Speed, agility, precision and hand-eye coordination - all these skills are improved with the Tunturi Slam Man.

The challenge in the 15 different training programmes is to hit all the lights as quickly as possible, which determine the training sequence by lighting up. This makes each boxing workout particularly varied and dynamic. By simulating a real boxing workout, the boxing dummy provides an effective introduction to aerobic and anaerobic forms of exercise.

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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