BenchK Training Bench B1

Tuotenro BENCHK-0320
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana UPS
OVH alkaen
Tähän asti alkaen
alkaen 679,00

  • Robust training bench for BenchK wall bars
  • Stable metal construction with powder coating
  • Allows a diverse number of other training options, for example with dumbbells
  • Supports rowing with dumbbells and barbell
  • 50 x 40 mm frame
  • Metal thickness: 2 mm
  • Integrated support rollers for legs and feet
  • The training bench lets you do abdominal exercises, such as sit-ups
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 150 kg

BenchK Training Bench B1

The BenchK Training Bench B1 can be used in two different ways thanks to its practical design, creating ideal conditions for intensive back, chest and abdominal training.

The BenchK training bench impresses with its stable design and long-lasting durability

The sturdy frame construction is made of metal and finished with a black powder coating. This gives the BenchK Training Bench B1 a modern look that can be optimally combined with any wall bars. The support rollers and the backrest are made entirely of polyurethane, which gives the bench a high load capacity and makes it comfortable to use.

A variety of training options with the BenchK Training Bench B1

With the addition of barbells or dumbbells, for example, you can optimally train your chest muscles in a variety of ways. Your back muscles can also be effectively targeted with this workout bench by using it as a support for one-armed rows. In addition to these two options, you can turn the BenchK Training Bench B1 around and use the support rollers for sit-ups, meaning that nothing stands in the way of an effective abdominal workout as well.

***Barbells, dumbbells or weights are not included ***

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Valmistajan takuu TeräsTäystakuu
Kotikäyttö -24 kk
Puoliammattimainen käyttö 10 vuotta24 kk
Ammattimainen käyttö 10 vuotta24 kk

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