BenchK Wall Bar Set 723

Tuotenro BENCHK-SET-723B
Enää alle 5 kpl varastossa.
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana UPS
OVH alkaen
Tähän asti alkaen
alkaen 1 899,00

  • High-quality wall bar set for strength training at home
  • Versatile training options for the tightest of spaces
  • Consists of three elements: pull-up bar, dip station and training bench
  • Wall bar of the BenchK series 700: frame made of metal, 9 oval beechwood rungs
  • Fixed pull-up bar with 3 grip options
  • Dip station with back and arm pads
  • Height-adjustable bench
  • Easy installation on the wall (screws required)
  • Min. room height: 250 cm
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 150 kg
  • Mitat - BenchK Wall Bar Set 723: (P) 143 cm x (L) 116.4 cm x (K) 240 cm
    kokoontaitettu - BenchK Wall Bar Set 723: (P) 90.8 cm x (L) 116.4 cm x (K) 240 cm

BenchK Wall Bar Set 723: your multi-gym for the smallest of spaces

The BenchK Wall Bar Set 723 has everything that you need for strength training with your own body weight. It includes a wall bar, pull-up bar, dip station and training bench, which provides you with a variety of training options within your own four walls.

Additionally, the fixed pull-up bar exhibits three different grip options so that you can set targeted training stimuli from the back through to the arms.
With the dip station, you can train your chest and triceps with your own weight or additional weights. Additionally, the dip station can be used as a leg-lift station to train the abdominal muscles.
Other exercises to strengthen the abdominals can be performed on the training bench, which can be flexibly changed with the angle of the wall bar. In conjunction with the support rollers, you can perform different sit-up variations. By adding short or long barbells, you can complete chest and back exercises.

Thanks to the innovative and space-saving design, the BenchK Wall Bar Set 723 provides a large variety of exercises in the smallest of spaces. Therefore, you can train solely with your body weight or if desired with the selected accessories and create your own little fitness area.


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Valmistajan takuu TeräsTäystakuu
Kotikäyttö -24 kk
Puoliammattimainen käyttö 10 vuotta24 kk
Ammattimainen käyttö 10 vuotta24 kk

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