Joola Pickleball Set Ben Johns Blue Lightning

Tuotenro JO-18537
Enää alle 5 kpl varastossa.
Lähetyskulut: 20,00 €
Toimittajana FedEx/UPS
Tähän asti

  • With this set you are perfectly equipped for your pickleball game
  • Rackets have a premium fibreglass surface with a polymer honeycomb core
  • Rackets are autographed by Ben Johns
  • General data:
    • Fibreglass surface
    • Handle circumference: 10 cm
    • Handle length: 12 cm
    • Length: 39.5 cm
    • Width: 20 cm
    • Weight: 232.47 g
  • Starter set
  • Included in delivery:
    • Two pickleball bats
    • Two 26-hole indoor balls
    • Two 40-hole outdoor balls
    • Pickleball bag

Power and control

The Ben Johns Blue Lightning Pickleball Set consists of two bats, four balls and a carrying bag. The rackets are made of a premium fibreglass surface with a polymer honeycomb core. This gives you the perfect blend of power and control when playing.

Exceptional design

The rackets in the set have a "Blue Lightning" design with the JOOLA Trinity logo. The bats also feature the autograph of Ben Johns, who is the world number one in pickleball.

Play anywhere

The four balls included are two 26-hole indoor balls and two 40-hole outdoor balls. So you can play pickleball both indoors and outdoors. The indoor balls are lighter and have larger holes so they can offer more spin and control, and the outdoor balls are harder and heavier with smaller holes so they can cut through the wind.

Loppukuluttajia koskee yleisen lainsäädännön mukainen tuotevastuu.

Arvostelusi tallennettiin onnistuneesti.
Valitettavasti on tapahtunut virhe. Ole hyvä ja tarkista tietosi.

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