MX Select knows how to combine fitness innovation and outstanding design into a strength training device: with the innovative MX55 compact dumbbell, the young fitness brand introduces the new generation of dumbbells. That makes MX Select the perfect solution for strength training at home, for small fitness studios, and for personal trainers who value maximum-quality fitness equipment. Maximum weight training with only one fitness device!
MX Select tarjoaa suuren valikoiman korkealuokkaisia kuntoilulaitteita sekä laadukkaita lisävarusteita. Tästä pääset katsomaan koko MX Select levytankosetit valikoimaa:
Kuntolaitteilla ja niiden lisävarusteilla harjoitteleminen vaikuttaa heti positiivisesti terveyteesi ja oloosi. Siksi sinun kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota laatuun ostaessasi kuntolaitetta. Tuotteet MX Select käsipainosetit valikoimasta tarjoavat laatua ja turvallisuutta tehokkaisiin harjoituksiin kotona.
Compact dumbbells save space and are less expensive than many individual dumbbells. MX Select compact dumbbells are safe, high-quality and, above all, easy to use. They can easily be adjusted through the patented mounting system. Thanks to their compact design, they fit into any workout room.
Dumbbell training with MX Select
Dumbbell training can be used to effectively train almost any muscle. But not every muscle needs the same weight load. With MX Select, the weight can be individually adjusted to personal performance.