RockTape RockFloss 5cm

Tuotenro IM-RT-21513
Enää alle 5 kpl varastossa, lisää tulossa.
Lähetyskulut: 20,00 €
Toimittajana UPS
Tähän asti

  • RockFloss to support existing training and therapy potential
  • Suitable for the areas of performance enhancement, movement, prevention, pain management and reinvigoration
  • Usable on shoulders, the knee, under-arm, elbows, waist and ankles
  • Material: Latex
  • Colours: Red
  • Dimensions: 2.10m x 5cm

The RockFloss from Rock Tape is suitable for building up targeted pressure on the extremities through different application options. There are no limits to the area of application. Anywhere as far as performance, movement, prevention, pain management and reinvigoration are concerned, Flossing finds use as a supplement to existing training and therapy potential. For example, it is used in the prevention to increase blood flow and improvement in joint mechanics.
The RockFloss Band ensures a minimised blood flow leads to faster fatigue of the system and can be combined with active and passive exercises. After the removal of the band, the deficiency is stopped and the blood flow stimulated. The tape can be put in place before or after the training or as part of a rehabilitation programme.
The RockTape RockFloss 5cm is optimised for the use on the shoulders, the knee, under-arm, elbows, waist and ankles. The RockFloss should not be put to use on the head or neck.

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Manufacturer Information

Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.
  • Implus
    6 avenue du Val
    78520 Limay
  • +33 0179 981017
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