Tunturi EM50 Eye Massager

artikelnr TUN-14TUSYO080
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Frakt: 20,00 €
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98,00 €
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  • Relax your eyes with the Tunturi EM50 Eye Massager
  • 5 different modes to suit different needs
    • Mode 1: Soft – air pressure, heat (43°C) and music
    • Mode 2: Strong – high air pressure, heat (43°C) and music
    • Mode 3: Relaxation – air pressure and music
    • Mode 4: Sleep – heat (43°C)
    • Mode 5: Wake up – vibration and music
  • Reduces headaches and migraines
  • Recovers dry eyes after long working days in front of a computer screen
  • Perfect fit with adjustable elastic headband
  • Bluetooth connectivity lets you listen to your favourite music or podcasts during your massage
  • Convenient to take along for a relaxing moment on the go
  • Battery life: 1,5 hours
  • Charging time: 2–3 hours

Soothe your eyes and relax

It's not just your shoulders and back that need relaxing - your eyes need a gentle massage every now and then too. But you don't need a massage therapist. With the Tunturi EM50 Eye Massager you can give your eyes a nice massage yourself. The device has five different modes. These offer you different combinations of air compression, heat, vibration and music to effectively relieve your headaches and give your eyes a rest.

Benefits of air compression and heat

Air pressure is combined in the first three modes of the Tunturi EM50 Eye Massager. Either light or slightly stronger pressure is applied. This pressure relaxes tired eyes without drying them out. The combination of heat in modes 1, 2 and 4 relieves tension in the eyes and promotes circulation. Good circulation improves visual perception and supplies the retina with more nutrients and oxygen.

Easy to use at the touch of a button.

Press once to change the mode, press twice to turn the music on or off. You can also use the built-in voice guidance to switch between programmes. Or, if you want to relax in peace and quiet, simply turn off the voice guidance. For even more peace and quiet, the built-in noise reduction ensures that the device operates quietly.

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Optimal, um nach einem langen Arbeitstag ein wenig zu entspannen. Toll finde ich auch das Feature, dass man das Gerät über Bluetooth mit seinem Handy verbinden kann und so während der Massage auch seine eigene Musik abspielen kann. Sehr zu empfehlen!

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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