Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment
Tuotenro SFK-012
Tuotetiedot: Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment
- Material: Aluminium, Stainless Steel and Steel
- Weight: approx. 20kg
- Mounting on the wall is not required
- Easy assembly on the Stil-Fit Cable Pull
- The pull-down bar is not included
Kuvaus: Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment
Extend your training possibilities with the Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment with additional exercises for more variety and higher effectivity.
The Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment makes it possible to train muscle groups such as the back, shoulders, core and arms with numerous exercises. Through the additional training possibilities, not only is training variety promoted but also results in reaching long term goals quicker.
With the Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment you are able to plan a more comprehensive training plan which will help you reach lasting, long term goals as well as adding more fun and enjoyment during training.
The Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment is connected to the frame of the Stil-Fit Cable Pull. It is not required to be mounted onto the wall. It is also very simple to attach it at a later time.
The Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment makes it possible to train muscle groups such as the back, shoulders, core and arms with numerous exercises. Through the additional training possibilities, not only is training variety promoted but also results in reaching long term goals quicker.
With the Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment you are able to plan a more comprehensive training plan which will help you reach lasting, long term goals as well as adding more fun and enjoyment during training.
The Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment is connected to the frame of the Stil-Fit Cable Pull. It is not required to be mounted onto the wall. It is also very simple to attach it at a later time.
Takuuehdot: Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment
Lisätietoja takuusta saat valmistajan takuuehdoista. Valmistajan takuu on valmistajan myöntämä lisätakuu, jolla ei ole vaikutusta lakisääteiseen kuluttajansuojaan.
Valmistajan takuu | Täystakuu |
Kotikäyttö | 24 kk |
Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment testi & arvostelut
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Stil-Fit Pull-down Attachment Tarvikkeet
- Taurus suojamattosetti
alkaen 51,90 € -
- Stil-Fit Biceps/Triceps Grip Black
alkaen 169,00 € -
- Stil-Fit Pull-down Bar Black
alkaen 279,00 €
Manufacturer Information
Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.- Stil-Fit GmbH
Friedenstraße 18a
81671 München
Germany - +49 89 13936040
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