Taurus Aerobic Step Board Pro

artikelnr TF-STEPB
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3x fantastiskt
Frakt: 20,00 €
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tidigare pris 177,00 €
135,00 €
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på 30 dagars bästa pris 177,00 €

  • Continuously adjustable backrest
  • Storage space for small accessories such as aerobic dumbbells, jump rope, or resistance bands
  • Compact and lightweight construction
  • Slip-resistant surface
  • 4 indentations for attaching elastic training bands, such as the Taurus Fitness Band 13 mm
  • Dimensions:
    • High: L 121,5 | B 34,5 | H 35,5 cm
    • Low: L 111 | B 32 | H 21
  • max belastning: 120 kg

The Taurus Aerobic Step Board Pro is the ideal choice for anyone looking to take their home or gym workout to the next level. This versatile step board combines the functionality of a classic aerobic step with the capability of being used as a training bench, thanks to its continuously adjustable incline surface.

With two adjustable height levels, the Step Board Pro effortlessly adapts to your individual training needs, whether you're focused on cardio, strength training, or flexibility exercises. Its robust construction not only ensures durability but also the necessary stability for intense workouts. The surface is designed to be slip-resistant.

The surface of the Step Board can be partially folded up and adjusted in incline continuously. This transforms the Step Board into a training bench in no time, allowing you to work with dumbbells or your own body weight. For example, use light training dumbbells for shoulder exercises or resistance bands to train the chest muscles. Especially handy: there is a small storage space under the foldable backrest.

The Taurus Aerobic Step Board Pro impresses not only with its functionality but also with its sleek, modern design that seamlessly integrates into any training environment. Thanks to its compact dimensions, it is easy to store, making it perfect for home use.
Taurus Aerobic Step Board Pro UtmärkelserTaurus Aerobic Step Board Pro UtmärkelserTaurus Aerobic Step Board Pro Utmärkelser


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Ein Step, der eine Bank sein will
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Toller Step, der durch seine klappbaren Beine und die aufstellbare Lehne wie eine Hantelbank genutzt werden kann und einen hochwertigen Eindruck macht. Perfekt für mein Kurzhanteltraining als Teil meines Hometrainings.

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Fitshop GmbH
    Flensburger Straße 55
    24837 Schleswig
  • +49 04621 42100
  • info@fitshop.de
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