Taurus Stair Trainer ST10.5

Tuotenro TF-ST105
3x erinomainen
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana huolintaliike
OVH alkaen 5 299,00
Tähän asti alkaen
Nyt alkaen 4 699,00

Fitshop testitulos
Käynnin tasaisuus
  • Exceptionally sturdy stair trainer with 25 resistance levels and two console options
  • Chain drive – better at withstanding loads than a belt; long-lasting and easier to replace
  • Individual step dimensions:
    • Step height: 182 mm
    • Step width: 500 mm
    • Step depth: 245 mm
  • Steps per minute: 22–125 SPM
  • LED console display:
    • Time/Steps
    • Height in metres/Programme
    • Calories
    • Speed setting
    • Pulse
    • Steps per minute
  • Touch console display:
    • Time/Steps
    • Height in metres/Programme
    • Calories
    • Speed setting
    • Pulse
    • Steps per minute
  • LED console functions:
    • Programme selection: Quickstart, Countdown-programmes (height in metres, calories, time), 36 preset programmes, user-defined programme (1 per user), Memory for 3 users
    • BMI calculator
    • App compatibility for smart phones, controls for music player
    • 6 quick keys for speed selection
    • Numeric keypad to enter numbers
  • Touch console functions:
    • Simple controls on a 15.6" touchscreen
    • Programme selection: Quickstart, Countdown-programmes (height in metres, calories, time, floors), 36 preset programmes, 16 user-defined programmes
    • BMI calculator
    • App compatibility for smart phones, controls for music player
    • 8 quick keys for the speed level
    • Various entertainment apps like Netflix and Google Chrome come pre-installed
  • Stationary step to facilitate getting on/off
  • Two console options available for order
  • Consoles include a smartphone holder with wireless charging
  • 25 speed levels: from a leisurely pace to high-intensity workout
  • Transportation wheels for moving the machine
  • Multiple emergency stop systems for maximum security: stop buttons on the top and near the bottom of the machine plus infrared sensors
  • Recommended ceiling height of at least 300 cm
  • Large water bottle and tablet holders
  • Handles with integrated heart rate sensors and controls
  • Revolving staircase with 8 steps
  • Heart rate monitor: via hand pulse sensors or standard 5.3 kHz radio frequency chest straps, e.g. the cardiostrong Comfort chest strap or cardiostrong Smart chest strap
  • Especially long-lasting and durable thanks to its motorless drive
  • Class: S – also suitable for use in professional fitness studios
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 180 kg
  • Mitat - Taurus Stair Trainer ST10.5: (P) 176 cm x (L) 80 cm x (K) 211 cm
  • Varustelu:
    • Sykemittaus: käsisensorit, sykevyö (lisävaruste)
    • Sykevyö pulssin etämittausta varten on saatavana lisävarusteena

Taurus stair trainer: fitness for everyday life and maximum performance

Climbing stairs is both easy and hard. Easy because most of us use this movement every day. Difficult because climbing stairs can quickly become tiring. This makes stair climbing an ideal exercise for endurance training – be it for functional training, so you don’t find yourself out of breath as often, or to elevate your fitness to a whole new level.

Not everyone has access to a long set of stairs to train on, but the Taurus Stair Trainer ST10.5 brings an endless staircase to any home. The ST10.5 is a treadmill with stairs, essentially an escalator where you walk in the opposite direction. This offers an added benefit compared to walking on a flat surface: the movement is more challenging for your leg muscles with emphasis on the thighs and glutes. Foot impact on the rolling stairs is low and therefore easier on the joints.

Last but not least: 3 training tips for the stair trainer

Stair climbing may seem monotonous, but you can mix it up a bit with some additions. These variations liven up your session and hit different muscle groups for a more effective workout.:
  • Side steps: Lower the speed, hold on to the rail, and ascend the steps sideways. If this is your first time, expect some soreness in muscles you never knew you had.
  • Skip a step: Take a big step by simply skipping one. And be sure to hold on to the railing!
  • Knee raises: With every step, lift your knee extra high to increase the effect of the exercise. But please lower the speed and perform this exercise further down on the stair set.

Some extra motivation when using the Taurus Stair Trainer ST10.5

Adam's Peak is a 2,243 metre-high mountain in Sri Lanka. It’s a marvellous sight to see the sun slowly rising in the distance, piercing through the clouds in the hilly landscape below. But to reach this altitude, you need to trek thousands of metres and scale over 5,200 steps. It’s a strenuous task – even with the cosy teahouses dotting the way. You can set a goal for a similar journey and prepare yourself for the ascent with the Taurus Stair Trainer ST10.5. btw: The Empire State Building only has a measly 1,860 steps.
Taurus Stair Trainer ST10.5 PalkinnotTaurus Stair Trainer ST10.5 PalkinnotTaurus Stair Trainer ST10.5 Palkinnot

Manual Taurus ST105-TManual Taurus ST105

Lisätietoja takuusta saat valmistajan takuuehdoista. Valmistajan takuu on valmistajan myöntämä lisätakuu, jolla ei ole vaikutusta lakisääteiseen kuluttajansuojaan.

Valmistajan takuu Täystakuu
Kotikäyttö 36 kk
Puoliammattimainen käyttö 12 kk
Ammattimainen käyttö 6 kk

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Fitshop testitulos
Käynnin tasaisuus

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