Taurus Wellness hierontatyyny
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Tuotetiedot: Taurus Wellness hierontatyyny
- Shiatsu-hierontatyyny rentouttavaan itsehierontaan
- Soveltuu kehon eri osien hierontaan: selkä ja niska, jalat tai pakarat, jopa käsivarsia voidaan hieroa
- Kaksi hierontayksikköä ja kaksi hierontapäätä
- Päällekytkettävä lämmitystoimintoiminto, jonka avulla voit tarvittaessa lisätä verenkiertoa ja rentoutumista
- Kaksi hierontamoodia: symmetrinen tai epäsymmetrinen pyörivä liike
- Irrotettava kangaspäällinen jonka voi tarvittaessa pestä takaa hygieenisyyden
- Tarranauhakiinnitys, jonka avulla voidaan kiinnittää esim. tuolin selkänojaan
- Pitkä latausjohto
Kuvaus: Taurus Wellness hierontatyyny
The Taurus Wellness hierontatyyny is a Shiatsu massage pillow suitable for relaxing self-massage. It is versatile and can be used to massage many different parts of the body such as the back, neck, legs, buttocks and even arms. The massage cushion has two massage units, each with two massage heads and offers two massage modes: symmetrical or asymmetrical rotation.
Optional heat function can provide additional blood circulation and relaxation. The separately washable textile cover provides increased hygiene, and the hook-and-loop fastener strap on the back makes it easy to attach the massage cushion to the back of a chair or anywhere else.
The included power supply unit has an extra-long cable, so you can use the device almost anywhere at home or at work.
Massage and relaxation are not only important for our well-being, but can also help to increase our performance in everyday life and our productivity at work. Regular massage can help reduce stress, relieve tension and improve circulation. This can have a positive effect on concentration and general well-being.
With the Taurus Wellness hierontatyyny you can enjoy a relaxing massage anytime and anywhere and give your body and mind some time out. Invest in your health and order the Taurus Wellness massage cushion today!
Optional heat function can provide additional blood circulation and relaxation. The separately washable textile cover provides increased hygiene, and the hook-and-loop fastener strap on the back makes it easy to attach the massage cushion to the back of a chair or anywhere else.
The included power supply unit has an extra-long cable, so you can use the device almost anywhere at home or at work.
Massage and relaxation are not only important for our well-being, but can also help to increase our performance in everyday life and our productivity at work. Regular massage can help reduce stress, relieve tension and improve circulation. This can have a positive effect on concentration and general well-being.
With the Taurus Wellness hierontatyyny you can enjoy a relaxing massage anytime and anywhere and give your body and mind some time out. Invest in your health and order the Taurus Wellness massage cushion today!
Takuuehdot: Taurus Wellness hierontatyyny
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