Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit
Tuotenro TP-132
Tuotetiedot: Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit
- Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit for treating tensions and adherence of connective tissue
Content Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit:
- 2 Trigger Point Massage Balls
- Footballer
- Baller Block
- Performance Therapy for Foot & Lower Leg DVD (in English)
- Biomechanical Education DVD (in English)
Kuvaus: Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit
The Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit - the training concept.
The Trigger-Point therapy focusses on special muscle points of the body and reduces tensions and adherence of connective tissue and stimulates blood circulation. These are caused by stress or bad and relieving posture and related lack of oxygen. Treat specifically foot and lower leg with soft pressure using the Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit. The Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit includes all tools and use descriptions you need for treating foot and lower leg.The Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit includes the following:
- 2 Trigger Point Massage Balls
- Footballer
- Baller Block
- Performance Therapy for Foot & Lower Leg DVD
- Biomechanical Education DVD
The Biomechanical Education DVD guides you through daily mechanical demanding muscles have to conquer and provides practical tips and tricks about hydration, ice-treatment, stretching independent of daily or competition load.
Takuuehdot: Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit
Loppukuluttajia koskee yleisen lainsäädännön mukainen tuotevastuu.
The manufacture does not offer any additional manufacturer warranty / guarantee.
Trigger Point Performance Foot and Lower Leg Kit testi & arvostelut
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Manufacturer Information
Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.- Implus
6 avenue du Val,
78520 Limay
France - +33 0179 981017
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