Trigger Point The Grid ball
Tuotenro TP-21128
Tuotetiedot: Trigger Point The Grid ball
- Foam-sleeved massage ball and grid pattern
- Trigger Point The Grid Ball as tension solution
- Supports muscle reinvigoration
- Compact size: Ball diameter of approx. 12.7cm
- Ideal for travel and for the commute
Kuvaus: Trigger Point The Grid ball
The Trigger Point The Grid ball is ideal for resolving tension and performing targeted massage. The Trigger Point Ball combines the advantage of one massage balls together with a foam sleeve in its characteristic grid pattern. With the help of the ball, pain in hard-to-reach areas can be alleviated and mobility increased. Tension in the shoulders and hips can be treated in the same way as different areas on the back.
The use of the Trigger Point The Grid ball also improves blood and oxygen flow in the body and supports muscle regeneration. Its compact size and low weight make the massage ball an ideal travel companion.
The use of the Trigger Point The Grid ball also improves blood and oxygen flow in the body and supports muscle regeneration. Its compact size and low weight make the massage ball an ideal travel companion.
Takuuehdot: Trigger Point The Grid ball
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Trigger Point The Grid ball testi & arvostelut
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Manufacturer Information
Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.- Implus
6 avenue du Val,
78520 Limay
France - +33 0179 981017
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