Tunturi Signature E80 Exercise Bike

Tuotenro TUN-23TBE80000
Enää alle 5 kpl varastossa.
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Toimittajana huolintaliike
Tähän asti 1 249,00 €
1 149,00 €
Säästät 8%
30 päivän parhaasta hinnasta 1 249,00 €

Fitshop testitulos
  • The Tunturi Signature E80 Exercise Bike offers a variety of training options with 26 different programmes
  • Effortless switching between 48 resistance levels thanks to maintenance-free induction brake
  • Multigrip+ handlebars and Comfort+ saddle for a comfortable training position
  • Bluetooth AI monitor for a clear overview of all training parameters
  • Low-noise EMS braking system with long service life
  • Easy adjustment of training intensity with a simple turn of a knob
  • Compatible with analogue and Bluetooth chest straps
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 150 kg
  • Mitat - Tunturi Signature E80 Exercise Bike: (P) 102 cm x (L) 59 cm x (K) 158 cm
  • Tekniset tiedot:
    • Jarrujärjestelmä: sähkömagneettinen induktiojarru
    • Teho: 20 - 350 W
    • Liikemassa: 14 kg
  • Harjoitustietokone:
    • Näyttö: aika, matka, nopeus, wattinen, Kierr./min, kalorit, syke
    • Harjoitusohjelmat yhteensä: 26
    • Vastustasot: 48
  • Varustelu:
    • Sykemittaus: käsisensorit
    • Virransyöttö: verkkoliitäntä
    • Satulan säätö: vaakatasossa, pystysuunta
    • Tarvikkeet: Erittäin matala runko, kuljetuspyörät, juomapulloteline

A fitness machine for varied workouts

With 48 resistance levels and 26 programmes, the Tunturi Signature E80 Exercise Bike offers you a wide variety of training options. You can choose your programme by time, distance, calories or watts or have your BMI and body fat percentage measured. There are also 4 heart rate-controlled programmes, 12 pre-programmed training profiles, 4 personal programmes and a manual mode – everything for the avid home athlete!

The right training position for every workout

Want train hard today and take it easy tomorrow? No problem with the Multigrip+ handlebars! The handlebars can be adjusted to the desired position with millimetre precision, from recreational (high) to sporty (medium) and race (low). There is a handlebar position for every size, posture and type of training. The handlebars also have a non-slip coating, which ensures a good grip even during strenuous workouts. With the integrated heart rate sensors in the handlebars, you can either train according to your heart rate or use the recovery programme with fitness test. The soft, adjustable Comfort+ saddle ensures optimum comfort during long rides! The combination of Multigrip+ handlebars and Comfort+ saddle provides the ideal conditions for a comfortable workout.

Quick and easy resistance change

The EMS brake (induction brake) is a system that works faster than, for example, a servomotor magnetic brake. The system is not only durable because it is not driven by a motor, but it is also very quiet. Turn the rotary knob for a smooth transition without interrupting your workout.

Keeping an eye on everything during training

The Tunturi Signature E80 Exercise Bike is equipped with a Bluetooth AI monitor on which you can see all training parameters at all times. Even if you place your tablet in the integrated tablet holder, you can read the four main parameters on the sides. The monitor can be tilted, giving you a good overview in any position and posture.

Apps for more entertainment during your workout

If you want to add variety to your training, you can easily connect your favourite route app to the E80. For example, the Tunturi Routes app. The app offers 15 free routes and 100 paid routes. Combined with Zwift, the video adapts to your pace, making your workout even more challenging or more comfortable. For a personalised workout, simply use the iConsole+ app. With the app, you can access the monitor's AI capabilities and create a workout programme based on your training data.

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Valmistajan takuu Täystakuu
Kotikäyttö 36 kk
Puoliammattimainen käyttö 24 kk

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Fitshop testitulos

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Manufacturer Information

Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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