Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device
artikelnr TG-TG02863-1
Detaljer: Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device
- Förstklassig massageapparat med slag från Theragun
- Lång amplitud på 16 mm för djupgående behandling
- Justerbar massagearm
- Kraftfull motor (kraftutveckling på upp till 27 kg)
- Betydligt tystare än sina föregångare, dessutom ingen förlust av funktion och kvalitet
- Ergonomiskt grepp garanterar bästa möjliga hantering och avlastning för dig som användare
Hjälper vid:
- Smärtlindring
- Upplösning av muskelspänningar
- Upplösning av muskelknutor
- Bearbetning av triggerpunkter
- Lindring av muskelvärk
- Förbättring av återhämtningen
- Behandling av fascia
- Främjande av blodcirkulationen
- Förbättring av rörligheten
- Lätt såväl som kraftig massage
- Bluetooth-kompatibel
- OLED-skärm
- Justerbara hastighetsnivåer från 1750 upp till 2400 slag per minut
- Force tracker: visar dig i realtid kraften/trycket som genereras av apparaten, eller efter behandling, i appen
- 6 massagehuvuden av mycket hög kvalitet samt svett- och vattenavvisande för olika behandlingsmetoder och muskelgrupper
- 2 litiumjonbatterier (Batteritid på 150 minuter vardera)
- 6 huvuden av mycket hög kvalitet (dämpare, standardkula, kil, tumme, kon, supersoft-huvud)
- Transportbox
- Litiumjonbatteri
Produktbeskrivning: Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device
The Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device is in its own league
The Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device in the 5th generation is the flagship of the Theragun brand and the ultimate massage device in terms of relaxation and pain relief. The revised motor of the 5th generation runs much more quietly than its predecessors, but offers the same power. With an amplitude of 16 mm and a torque of up to 27 kg, the Theragun Pro offers an incomparably deep massage. This promotes relaxation and relieves tension and stiffness with ease. Thanks to the patented and ergonomic handle and the adjustable arm of the Theragun, you can easily reach all problem areas.Your new partner outside of training
Do you do sport and want to be optimally prepared and warmed up before an intensive session? The Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device is the solution because it works the fascia and muscles optimally so that you are ready to perform at your best. And the Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device is also the first choice after training, as regeneration is one of the most important aspects of sport. Here the Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device helps to improve and accelerate regeneration. It can also help to increase mobility.The integrated OLED display offers four programmes for quick selection and is guided by the massage gun. These have been developed for the areas of sleep, workout warm-up, recovery and break. With the Therabody app you can create your own unlimited programmes.
The smart massage device
Theragun's app is another flagship product that takes the user experience of the massage devices to the next level. The Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device can be controlled entirely via the app and displays useful data such as the application area and intensity.Have you had a strenuous workout or a long hike? The app indicates how and which muscle groups/areas should be treated and therefore adapts to your needs. You will be amazed at how much the Theragun massage device can improve your well-being and therefore your everyday life.
Developed for professionals, made for everyone
The Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device is suitable for everyone, regardless of whether you just want to enjoy a relaxing massage or perform a demanding muscle treatment. Whether you are an athlete or a physiotherapist, the massage device knows how to impress all users. Thanks to the ergonomic handle and adjustable massage arm, you receive an effective, individual treatment at all times. Thanks to the six different attachments, the Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device is ideal for treating a wide range of muscle groups and can be adapted to your preferences. The new micro-point attachment, which was added in the fifth generation, promises even more intensive stimulation of the tissue during the entire treatment!Let yourself be impressed by this "game changer" for your well-being.
Garantivillkor: Theragun Pro G5 Massage Device
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tillverkargaranti | fullgaranti |
hemmabruk | 12 månader |
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Manufacturer Information
Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.- Therabody International Limited
1st Floor – Suite 104
Fitzwilliam Court
Leeson Close
Dublin 2, D02 YW24
Ireland - +35 34242508098
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